- Realizarea a doua puncte de distributie motorina la firma AGRARINVESTPRODUCTS in locatiile din comuna Somosches si in comuna Chelmac din judetul Arad dotate cu pompe de debit marit Scheidt&Bachmann, nivelmetre electronice, gestiune automata a livrarilor cu Tankautomat SV010, transmisie de date la distanta cu modem cu SIM de date
- Realizarea unei automatizari complexe cu controller Mitsubitsi la un uscator de lucerna pentru prepararea furajelor bio sub forma de peleti.

Asfel, firma AgrarInvestProducts devine cel mai important beneficiar pentru firma noastra.


Realizarea unui sistem integrat de distribuire a motorinei pentru utilaje in agricultura cu pompa si Tankautomat fixe si cu 2 Sisteme de masura integrate cu Tankautomat mobile, echipate cu modem cu SIM de date la firmele AgroIulia, Orgapic si Agri Pe din judetele Iasi si Botosani.


Scheidt & Bachmann was founded in 1872. Today the company of tradition present itself as an innovative system house.         
In the four more or less independent distribution fields, systems are developed, produced and distributed for parking garage, leisure park installations and stadium systems, signal technology, ticketing technology and petrol stations.
The high qualification of the employees through intensive training and education, the highly developed production technology and the invigorating company's culture are considered to be the immaterial values the company could not do without.
Scheidt & Bachmann follows it´s strengths with all consequences and introduce systematically innovation processes. This is one of the main reasons, why in all it´s market fields, Scheidt & Bachmann is amongst the market leaders in Europe and the World.

The company Scheidt&Bachmann TUBS d.o.o. for manufacture, installation and maintenance of fuel dispensers and other equipment for petrol stations was incorporated with the renowned German manufacturer Scheidt&Bachmann GmbH in 1996, by investing capital, technology and experience. The activities have expanded to the markets of adjacent countries and keep expanding through the network of authorised distributors and service shops. The fuel dispenser series Panorama, Alfa, Beta, Gama and Delta were manufactured in the previous manufacturing period, whereas the fourth generation fuel dispensers MZ and ZSM are currently being manufactured.


1988 in Karlsruhe gegründet, ist die NOVOTEC Computer-Systeme GmbH heute einer der führenden Hersteller von Systemen zur Betriebsdatenerfassung in Deutschland. Den Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit legen wir auf die Dokumentation von Tank- und Werkstattdaten mit anschließender Verarbeitung


 ELAFLEX is a leading international specialist for refuelling equipment and safe connections for the transfer of dangerous goods and sensitive fluids. Our hoses, fittings, couplings, expansion joints and nozzles have been setting standards, since 1923. We provide quality engineered, durable products. A sound investment both in terms of performance and total lifetime cost benefits.


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